Work with Emily & Boutique Training Academy
I want to know more about you! It's my intention with this application to get a better understanding of you, your boutique business and why you are attracted to work with me.

Once you complete the application, my team will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to let you know what pathway is right for you! Please note that I only take 1-3 new clients a year for 1:1 Consulting. We will direct you to one of my world class group programs if you are new or making under $25,000 per month.

We review every application personally and research your company before getting back to you.

Talk soon, Emily
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Email *
Learn more about what I do here:
Your Full Name *
Phone Number I can Call you at! *
What's the name of your Boutique? *
How long have you been in business for? What made you want to open a boutique? *
How do you mainly sell/operate your boutique? Everyone is different so I want to hear how you do it! *
What's your Boutique website address? I want to check it out! *
What excites you most about working with me? *
What’s the current status of your boutique business? How are you feeling about it all? *
How much SALES REVENUE do you average monthly in your business? Please answer this question or your response time will take longer. *
What type of support are you looking for? *
If other, please list below:
What's the vision for your business in the next 6-12 months? Don't hold back (I LOVE wild, big ideas!) *
What are you most proud of in your boutique biz so far? What would you brag about if we were out to dinner? *
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being very serious), how serious are you about investing in your business? *
I never spend money on my personal or business development.
I think personal and business development is the best thing to invest in!
How much are you willing to invest? *
Under $100
Over $10K
How long do you want support for?
Clear selection
Please hit "submit" to finish the form. Thank you! We will be in touch very soon!
Feel free to email us at if you don't hear back.
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